- This topic has 7 в?дпов?дей, 5 учасник?в, and was last updated 6 рок?в, 11 м?сяц?в тому by i-did-it.
16 Березня 2018 о 12:18 am #43884slotjunkieУчасник
As some of you may know, i have had surgery on my foot. Everything went well and i am progressing as well i should be. Been struggling with
gambling with my down time. has been three days since i last bet. I am really trying to make this date stick. Glad i finally am getting used to the
changed that have been made to the site. Tuesday i get my big cast off and start wearing a black walkingboot. cannot wait. Just wanted to let
everyone know how i am doing these days.
16 Березня 2018 о 1:00 pm #43885DuncХранитель
Hi Slotjunkie
Really good news that your surgery and the recovery from the surgery is going well as is the 3 days you’ve made in this recovery
Keep going were all wishing you the best
16 Березня 2018 о 1:00 pm #43886velvetМодератор
I am really pleased to hear that you are progressing well – my husband recently started walking again without a boot and crutches so I know it is a long haul but it is a long haul back to health which is great.
Down times do make life harder but you are doing well – so don’t look back, just concern yourself with today and make it gamble-free.
Velvet -
17 Березня 2018 о 6:45 pm #43887slotjunkieУчасник
Thank you harry for the well wishes. I willkeep up with my recovery
17 Березня 2018 о 6:46 pm #43888slotjunkieУчасник
Thank you velvet. i am taking one day at a time. Just for today i will not gamble.
17 Березня 2018 о 10:30 pm #43889Johnny BУчасник
I enjoy our time on chat. I hope you start kicking again soon!!! Don’t feel down about the gambling, all I can suggest is to just take it a day at a time. We learn every time…even if it just a little bit… and it is worth it. Stay strong.
17 Березня 2018 о 11:41 pm #43890slotjunkieУчасник
i have also enjoyed talking with you. i will stay strong and be vigilante in my recovery. Hopefully we will talk again this week. Ishall try to make it on monday for charles’ group
19 Березня 2018 о 11:10 am #43891i-did-itУчасник
Hi Slot-Junkie
Hope you are feeling much better – it is so nice to talk to you in chat.
It sometimes feels like the addiction is so persistent it is easier to give in- but of course we have learned that this is never the easy option .Keep strong and see u in group soon.
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