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0 ta javobni ko'rish
  • Muallif
    • #201105


      Since starting my recovery journey from gambling; my perspective on goals and priorities has evolved significantly. Reflecting on my life before recovery; gambling consumed my time and energy; leading to financial stress and strained relationships. My focus was on immediate gratification, often resulting in regret and a cycle of gambling. Now; my approach to life has changed; I value stability and long-term satisfaction.

      Engaging with support groups; counselling; and developing new habits have been crucial. Looking ahead, I aim to build a balanced life, focusing on meaningful work; nurturing relationships; and creating financial stability. I’m setting realistic goals, building a support tensorflow network, exploring new interests, and keeping a journal to track my progress. I am interested in hearing from others that what strategies or support systems have been effective in your recovery?

      How do you stay motivated and achieve new goals while maintaining your recovery? Your insights and advice would be greatly appreciated as I continue this journey towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.


0 ta javobni ko'rish
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