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    • #43904
      Johnny B

      I just wanted to state that I watched a very interesting show on Amazon the other night.  It was called «gambling with money».  My take is that the host is a CG who took the time to analyze the «odds» as it relates to most of our favorite, forbidden games.  I understood the math on most of the pieces he discussed.  I found it most interesting about the slot machine math and the inherent guaranteed loss especially in the long term.  He also discusses the mind set that keeps us playing, even when we know we shouldn’t be.  It is incredibly cheaply done, and the host is a little goofy, but if you are willing to listen to numbers for an hour and a hlaf, I think it might be worth your time.  I believe Amazon charges $2.99 usd to rent it.  Once again it is called «gambling with money» and I found it enlightening.

      I am over 4 months gamble free.  And watching a show like this, reminds me why I should have never started in the first place, but it also reinforces lessons I have learned.  Take it for what it is worth to you, but I thought it was worth my time.


      good luck

      Johnny B

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