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2 ta javobni ko'rish
  • Muallif
    • #8394

      They seem they’re you’re friends, and maybe they are
      From the man dealing cards
      To the gal at the bar
      The sights and the sounds, make you feel right at home
      But deep in your head you are still all alone
      A wager or two just to pass up the time
      Again and again ’till you’ve spent the last dime
      You’re up then you’re down
      Till your head spins around
      You’ve had the last turn, time to get out of town
      The friends give a smile as you exit the gate
      Your pockets are empty, you’re full of self hate
      What they don’t know, is you’ve just lost the rent
      You’re walking away having lost every cent
      They say you’re a fool, no one made you go in
      They say its your problem, you know it’s a sin
      That may be true but the lost can still win
      Beware of all this and go look for new friends

      – Joker

    • #8395

      a very powerful poem.i love it!!
      i can so identify with that walk of shame as you leave forcing a smile !

    • #8396

      Beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing!

2 ta javobni ko'rish
  • Bu mavzuga javob yozish uchun tizimga kirgan bo'lishingiz kerak.