PHJOIN club Login password,Ph365 log in org ph.Recharge Every day and Get Bonus up-to 50%! Providing online help for problem gamblers Wed, 04 May 2022 21:01:34 +0000 zh-TW hourly 1 GamblingAddiction - Gambling Therapy 32 32 Worst year of my life. Wed, 04 May 2022 21:01:34 +0000 Hello guys,after 3 month of writing here for the first […]

The post Worst year of my life. appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

Hello guys,after 3 month of writing here for the first time im back.
Been working abroad,trying to keep this urge to gamble away but i just couldnt.While i was working in Netherlands i lost most of my money,didnt save anything came back home and gambled here also.I thought that when i go abroad and have some ocupation that i will leave this problem in my home country,but you cant outrun yourself,right?This week im starting to work again after some vacation.I really want to stop now,because i cant take it anymore.These mood swings are killing me,for one part of the day im completely normal person,and later when i lose money i feel that my world is falling apart.As i wrote here i can rarely find happines in life,everything lost its meaning.So yea,im here again,with you guys,fighting the same battle i was fighting for last couple of years in hope i will find the light.

The post Worst year of my life. appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

Mentaly broken Tue, 25 Jan 2022 15:27:28 +0000 Hello again,i was gamble free since the last time i pos […]

The post Mentaly broken appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

Hello again,i was gamble free since the last time i posted,but yesterday i relapsed.I think it hurts even more then before because i was clean and didnt gamble for aboout one month.I really dont know why i did it.I really feel bad about right now and seems to me that i will never the gambling go.I dont even play anymore to win money,its just inside my head so deep that i cannot explain it.I cant find joy in anything anymore,im hiding this dark secret from my girfriend and family but i notice that they think there is something wrong.I just wanted to wtite this here,thinking that i will feel better because i realize that there are a lot of people like me.
I dont knlw what to say really,i just hope that i will stay strong and get rid of this thing completely.Wish you all the guys that are reading the same.

The post Mentaly broken appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

Gambling changed me completely Fri, 17 Dec 2021 21:24:38 +0000 Hello guys,im new here.Im not native english speaker an […]

The post Gambling changed me completely appeared first on Gambling Therapy.

Hello guys,im new here.Im not native english speaker and i apologize in advance for that,hope everyone will understand what i write and what im about to say.
My gamling problem started last year in november when i came home from abroad.Gambling never attracted me in any way,i was really not interested into football or basketball or betting.One day my friend invited me to sports caffe which is also casino to watch our national team in football.Betting company that owned casino had their own phone app which you install and you can bet while you are at home or wherever.I deposited 20 e and i got some bonus which is pretty usual these days,they all offer some welcome bonuses.I came home after that night and while i was drinking morning coffe i played this games and won 2 jackpots in a row which was around 700 e.
I took that money tomorrow and i said that is just pure luck and that i will never deposit again.But after few days i thought,why shouldnt i deposite more money,i made 700 from 20,right?
Then things started to go bad slowly.I started to deposit every day losing lots of money and i was lying to myself that it will be last time,and i felt so bad and hopeless,i said that i will never go to casino and play real slot machines but i started to go to casinos also and lose money on real slots.One year of this agony,i realized that im totaly different person today,my relationship is in jepardy because of this,im lying to my family and i really dont know what to do.I never felt more hopeless in my life,nothing brings me joy anymore,my only source of fun or happines is when i win some money or just playing slots.
Im sorry for longer post,hope you dont mind it.

The post Gambling changed me completely appeared first on Gambling Therapy.
