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    • #42016

      Hi there

      I have a question.

      According to GA gambling is for money or no money. If its gambling its gambling.

      So this is my thoughts on free slots. If you play free slots, GA take away your clean date as that is considered gambling.
      I was actually considering playing them for free as i was having urges and thought well why not have a go after all its for no money.

      I asked someone and they assured me it is still considered gambling. My thoughts are mixed on this one. Just curious.
      Have not played them yet but really have considered it.


    • #42017

      It’s “dry gambling”, P.
      Keeps the door open for the real thing.
      Good question!
      GA doesn’t call it gambling in my part of the world!
      I certainly would not recommend it!

    • #42018

      P I think the question to ask is not what does GA call it but what is your motivation to use them?
      I think you will have your answer.

    • #42019

      My thought is that the addiction is still being fed. The money is only the means, the highs and lows are still there in an emotional sense.
      My thoughts only!
      Hope you are well
      Love K xxxx

    • #42020

      An elder Apache was teaching his grandchildren about life.
      He said to them ,”A fight is going on inside me; it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

      One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego.

      The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

      This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person too.”
      They thought about it for a minute
      and then one child asked his grandfather,
      “Which wolf will win?”

      The old Grandpa simply replied, “The one you feed

    • #42021

      Thanks for all the replies, i was just curious to see what peoples take on it was.
      In the GA literature their definition of what is gambling, cant remember what it is off the top of my head but something along the lines of the outcome of chance or something or other for money or not.. probaby nothing like that but someone was telling me this.
      It is not important to me if it is or isnt i was just curious. I think the way to tell is if it affects your life and if it cuases negative circumstances.
      Many say if you buy a raffle ticket or a lotto ticket your day goes back to day one, also with online gambling, for money or not. So i was told.
      I havent done free slots i have heard others that have though and it has not made their life a more postiive one.
      I do agree that it probably would keep the fire alive as i have thought. So should i risk that and take a look.. the answer is clear to me.
      Many other games to play out there if i really want to.
      Thanks for the replies i just like to see what others think.


    • #42022

      Hi P,

      For me gambling involves a stake that might be lost and the possibility of a win in exchange for putting that stake at risk. That wouldn’t be the case of course with the free slots. This is why buying a lotto ticket or whatever is classed as gambling – it involves that stake/possible win.

      I agree with what others have said though, things like this are highly dangerous for a CG. If we think of the addiction as a monster asleep in the corner this would be the equivalent of poking it with a stick – sooner or later it’ll wake up and bite our ass!

      Also, as you have seen, it tends not to be a positive move for gamblers. If we zone out on the free slots then we are as absent from family/life as we are when gambling. If we are escaping from issues on the free slots then those issues are will be just as unaddressed as they were when we were gambling. Finding a variety of positive ways to fill our time is a much better option.

    • #42023

      Yes.. guess i was just looking at opinions as they differ on this one. Decided against it as i have heard others struggle with facebook slots and the like even if they dont spend much or no money. i dont need to go there. What would be the point


    • #42024

      Think you made the right decision P- Netflix is a better option!
      I hate mornings

    • #42025

      Have done for a long time, not that often. And I am gamble free. It doesn’t give me any urges at all. There is a massive difference. The addiction is not up and running with me so free slots are pretty meaningless. Just do it when I am bored. And actually I find it pretty boring now so never do it for long and do t get any highs or lows from it. If the addiction is still running though it can trigger a relapse as it has done for me in the past but not now.

    • #42026

      ?? a great option and my oh my how i think its dangerous to have the auto next episode.. starting in 10 seconds lol… i think ok il switch off 4 seconds… 2 seconds… ok well its started il watch this one then,.. heheheheh


    • #42027
      Johnny B

      I play WSOP online… I have in the past caught myself spending money for more chips, but realized this is exactly what I am not supposed to do. Agreed with Monicau, It can definitely be a trigger….because if you have “fun” for free… How much “fun” will it be when you have money at risk… I would definitely say it is better to avoid it. I am still new to my recovery, so I am a little stubborn…And I a still coming to grips to let it all go. 45 days and counting….

    • #42028

      In response to Johnny bs post, my golden rule is never to spend money even 50p of free slots or Facebook free bingo sites. When abstinent in the past I spent loads on free games so the addiction just transferred. I now have an absolute rule to never spend money on these. This is the big big difference. If I spent money I would succumb to the addiction quickly. Not spending anything makes me feel good. But as I said I do get bored with these games and don’t spend long on the,.

    • #42029
      Johnny B

      I have also stopped spending on the “free” sites. I had spend over $100 in a week keeping my chip stack up.. talk about feeling disgusted in myself. Fortunately, I have nipped that in the bud

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